Without hesitation this year he went on stage and belted out the songs for the spring program! It was so much fun to see! He was moving his body and pumping his arms for no apparent reason as the songs did not have motions to go along with the words. And yes, I did notice that his pants are practically up by his knees. This kid is growing up but NOT at all out. He is tall enough for 4T but can still fit in 2T around the waist. If only he got those qualities from me.
This year his class sang "Jesus Loves the Little Children" and "Raindrops". The did a great job.
If all the raindrops were lemondrops and gumdrops
oh, what a rain it would be!
Standing outside with my mouth open wide,
Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah
All the raindrops are lemondrops and gumdrops
And then there was ice cream!
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