Saturday, December 31, 2011

Why do we spend money?

I had an irrational moment in December. Just one.

I follow all kinds of coupon and mommy blogs on Facebook and one of them alerted me to a fantastic sale on stainless steel cookware at Kohl's one weekend. I just had to have them, my Christmas present to myself. I justified it by saying that the Teflon and unknown coating on half our pots and pans was chipping off and it would be so much safer for our family to have this cookware. Plus, I got Kohl's cash so we could turn around and get Steven some much needed cozy (sweat) pants since his were turning into high waders.

So, the box came before Christmas and I just left it under the tree unopened. It was a reminder to myself during the remainder of the holiday season, to not allow myself to succumb to my hormones. 

When we came back from Arkansas I got them out, washed them and was utterly dumbfounded that they were packed in three boxes. An exterior shipping box, another box with the fancy Wolfgang Puck logo stamped all over it and finally and interior box holding all the pots and pans. 

A little excessive, I think. Until the children got a hold of them!

I guess the moral of the story is, let your hormones go crazy shopping because it will give your children something to do for an entire afternoon!

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Crazy time with Grandma

What is it with California? Even a four year old is claiming that crazies come from there!

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Merry Christmas 2011

The cousins on Christmas Eve waiting for Santa to arrive!

Our family reindeer photo, the "normal" photos were terrible.

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Christmas Playtime


Playing Santa and Reindeer

Making noodles

Ereaders and Internet shopping, Old John Clark would never have dreamed of such things on the mountain.

Soccer with Uncle Ringo, I think Steven has the edge

Spin me, Spin me

Catching butterflies

More butterflies

Winding down on Grandma

Thursday, December 22, 2011

A List for Santa

Steven's writing skills are improving everyday, however, he is improving even faster in drawing. He used to like to "scribble scrabble" but now is much more interested in developing actual pictures that have meaning, and if I do say so myself, he's pretty good!

He and Tommy spent an afternoon coming up with a list and drawing up pictures to go along with each item he wanted to ask Santa to bring. He had Ratchet the transformer, a computer (!), a jet like Jack had, a watch and a few other things. 

He proudly folded it, stuffed the envelope and wrote Santa on the front. Oh, and we didn't forget to tell Santa we were going to be in Arkansas so he didn't forget to bring the presents there!

Christmas Memories 2011

Once again we picked out our tree at the boy scout lot at Lyla's preschool. There's nothing better than picking a tree out of a parking lot to get you in the holiday spirit!

Steven spent a day home from school because he was sick. He was feeling pretty good most of the day so I needed activities to keep him occupied while I got a little work done. Unfortunately I couldn't find our Elmer's white glue so I went hunting and found some wood glue. Aunt Tracy called me resourceful, I like that. He glued more cotton balls on paper that I've ever used for any other purpose. I hope all that received an art project in the mail enjoyed the product, he sure was excited to make them!

Every year the kids come home with some kind of candy or sweet. I should have remembered this one from Steven last year, I guess once they have a good project a preschool they just hit repeat the next year.

Lyla was a gift bearer at this year's Christmas Program. It was pretty cute to see her up there with the older kids. She isn't much of a girly girl but she was sooooo excited to put her red dress on and look all cute for the program. And tights, oh man, tights are the best thing ever.

Do you Pin? My creative juices were flowing this Christmas season all because of the hours of wasted time surfing pinboards and pinning new ideas. One of my favorite holiday treat (I guess I shouldn't blame the preschool so much) was chocolate covered marshmallow reindeer. Tommy and I spent an evening dipping marshmallows and shoving pretzels into their heads. I had the hardest time finding lollipop sticks so I ended up cutting straws in half. It was really fun and let me try out different settings on my camera to get the blurry effect I love so much. I'm still working on it but I'm getting better.

Merry Christmas to all and to all a good chocolate-covered marshmallow reindeer!

Saturday, December 17, 2011

The fix to a broken zipper

The zipper on Lyla's winter coat is broken. I told her that I would try and fix it. She asked, "with eye drops?"

I guess we've had pink eye one too many times this year.

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Friday, December 2, 2011

Fairy Princess

Who ever thought that Fairy Princesses should be a part of holiday celebrations? Well, I guess a smart department store advertising executive in the 1930s was on to something when they hired a girl to sit on a throne and push a button to deliver presents down a chute to children who visited her.

Not being a Kansas City native, I never knew there was a Fairy Princess tradition. I even asked some natives and they had no idea either but when I saw a free event at the Kansas City Museum on a night that Tommy was working, I decided we'd try it out.

We attended the opening reception of the Fairy Princesses. The had carolers, food and a grand arrival of the four princesses. We didn't get to see them in the throne room but that is just as well because Steven didn't even want to go near them and Lyla had to be coaxed to go stand next to a princess to get a picture.

My co-worker Jeff and his wife Carrie brought their 2-year old daughter Katelynn. She's a doll and insisted that the princesses go to their throne. She was unsuccessful but did get to be interviewed by the local news station. She loved the microphone!

Prince Steven, he was mad his crown wasn't pink but when we told him it was gold he was much happier.

Be sure to monitor the two year old when food on a stick is present.

Lyla wanted nothing to do with her crown and she wasn't too sure about the Fairy Princess, either.

Sunday, November 27, 2011


Lyla is getting quite the personality. She understands so much more than we expect and tries to be her own comedian sometimes. I caught her trying to be funny when we visited the Iowa State University campus with Zack who is choosing his college for next year.

She "snuck" up behind Uncle Scott and tried to follow behind him for as long as possible before he noticed. Look at her hands on hips, head tilt position in the second photo. She is getting quite skilled at being sassy! 

Saturday, November 26, 2011

We are so thankful: a holiday service project

Throughout the adoption process our eyes have been opened to many organizations and charities that are helping children and families in Africa. Since we are considering ending the adoption process, we have been exploring more ways that we can assist with family preservation and those children who are already in orphanages.

My blog obsession directed me to Quilts Beyond Borders, an organization that reaches out to underserved children, mainly orphans, across the world to provide a handmade quilt and spread love and hope. They highlight the quilts and tops that are sent to them from accross the world on their blog. They are beautiful. And then they show photos of the quilt recipients. The smiles and hugs given to the quilts are heartwarming.

At our church Attic to Basement sale I hit the fabric sample jackpot. An entire box of various cotton fabric samples for 50 cents. I used a JoAnn coupon to get batting for about $4. And the best part was volunteer labor! Emily, Eleanor, Tracy, Lori, Jack, Steven and Lyla all helped. Steven is very interested in being a volunteer since we helped at his school book sale. I hope that we are instilling the value of helping others in him. We need to do this more often.

The first quilt is almost done and I'll post photos once it is ready to be sent to the organization!

Friday, November 25, 2011

Thankful for Cousin Fun!

Thanksgiving was celebrated in Iowa with my sisters this year. We had originally planned to visit my parents in Arizona but lots of things (included outrageous airline ticket prices) got in the way). We were happy to be with family and to have allowed my parents to make the hard decision to go on a Hawaiian cruise for Thanksgiving instead of hosting us!

Steven and Lyla love visiting their big cousins and I think that their big cousins like to have them around to play with, too.

Eleanor entertained Steven with a rousing game of Sorry! (Disney style) While Lyla pinned cousin Jack in a wrestling move that we didn't know she had yet mastered. Maybe we should enroll her in a program at the Y. And Zack helped Lyla read a new book that was handed down to her. So nice to see him embrace the princess theme!

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Baking a real pumpkin pie

We have called Lyla "pumpkin" since she was born. Neither of us knows why we picked that nickname but it has stuck. We call her other names but that is the one that has continued since she was a baby.

Aunt Tracy planned to make a pumpkin pie for Thanksgiving using a real pumpkin (not that canned pumpkin isn't real but she was going the extra mile). It was really fun to see Lyla get right in there and participate in the cleaning, seed scraping and general messiness in the kitchen.

I don't eat pumpkin pie but it was gone in short order so it must have tasted good. And no one turned up with a sick tummy, so I guess she kept up with Iowa standards of sanitization while she was doing the prep work! 

Saturday, November 12, 2011

A Fun Fall Day

We woke up this morning with one kid in bed with us and another climbing over us asking "do we stay home today?" Yes, it is Saturday! Talk of weekend activities ensued. A bike ride was chosen because today was deemed to be likely the last best weather day for biking of the year.

We got out of bed, ate breakfast and got ready for our ride. We then found out that Mommy's bike was not in any shape to go beyond our driveway. Our plans were not dashed because daddy took the kids in the trailer and mommy walked a shorter, hillier path to the park and the family met up at Loose Park.

A few trees in the park were holding on to their fall colors allowing us to have a bit of color on this grey day. We are not winter people so seeing the trees lose their leaves is sad sign of what is to come for us. Ever since the time change we've been seeing signs of winter dreariness creep into our lives - snoozing for a long time in the morning, going to bed at 9:00pm (or at least falling asleep on the counch) and some general grumpiness that we leave in the dark and come home in the dark.

We started our visit at the park with some playground time. Lyla is bold beyond her age. She is determined to do everything that Steven does even though we might think it is beyond her capabilities. But everytime she tries something she proves to us that she can, in fact, do it.

Our visit even included the requisite animal chase. There were squirrels everywhere and chasing them to a nearby tree was quite fun.

And then there were the ducks and geese. We had some old bread in the freezer just waiting for the day when we made it to the park to feed the hungry waterfowl. It was not quite like Silver Lake when we were growing up in Rochester but we did get a good hiss from a few of the Canadian Geese. Steven definitely has no fear, he let them eat right out of his hands and didn't even flinch at their honks or hissing.

Lyla was carrying on quite the conversation with the ducks. She'd ask them if they wanted some bread and if they were ok. She is a very caring soul.

Since we saw about five professional photographers wandering the park with various families we decided to have our own photo shoot in the oak grove. The kids sat down for about three seconds, long enough for me to snap a few funny photos and then we had one parent family photos since I don't know how to use the timer. Steven had a death grip on Tommy up in the tree, while Lyla had absolutely no fear! It was such a contrast to his behavior with the geese, sometimes I don't really know him.

Note the "mushrooms" behind us ... I have to give credit to the parks department for being creative with the utility units. This is such a beautiful park and I especially appreciate that the little touches aren't missed.

We had such a full morning that we stopped at O'Dowds for an irish lunch and then dropped the children off to join a new family!

Monday, October 31, 2011

Trick or Treating in the Neighborhood

Tinkerbell and Superman got a lot of loot this Halloween. Between school parades, trunk or treating at Lyla's daycare Friday night, Boo at the Zoo Sunday, and "real" trick or treating on October 31 we had enough candy to feed a small army.

This year I pulled out the outdoor decorations - didn't take any good pictures, except I caught this one of the kids admiring the lanterns glowing on the landscape wall that is falling apart (don't look too closely). They were thrilled by the glowing lanterns when we got back home from wandering the halloween wasteland neighborhood. They didn't like them very much when the sun was still shining!

We took the kids to a few houses immediately around our house because we only know a handful of our neighbors. Steven l.o.v.e.d. it! He could not get enough knocking on doors and candy filling his bag. After we went to the five or six houses we knew he had to have more, so we headed around the block to find only two other houses with lights on and appropriate halloween decor to know they weren't going to be too creepy. Maybe next year we'll try and find a neighborhood more suited to trick or treating. It really was fun seeing his excitement and maybe Lyla will have more fun when she gets older!

 Clark Kent and Superman
Tinkerbell and Lois Lane (lame, I know. I wanted Lyla to be Kryptonite but she was very happy to be Tinkerbell)

**To rid ourselves of candy, Tommy set up a "store" a couple of mornings later. He found Steven a transformer and Lyla a puppet, a few books and coloring books at the half price bookstore. He then made the kids "pay" for their toys and books with their Halloween candy. Tommy even told them he was going to give the candy to someone who "needed" it - that might not be the best message but it is OUT of our house! Great idea, go ahead and steal it!**