Monday, February 20, 2012

Pitchers and Catchers Report

Hearing the news that pitchers and catchers have reported for Spring Training is wonderful news at our house. And to add icing to the cake, having weather like spring in February makes it even sweeter. We took the kids to the yard for pitching and catching practice and a few days later down to park to hit off the tee. Thanks, Cousin Jack for the T-ball bat!

Steven our ace pitcher

Lyla catching like a pro

Daddy retrieving a foul from under the car

To top it all off, Grandma came for President's Day weekend and bought new Royals outfits for the kids. Lyla got a dress and Steven got a hood-ded (we don't call them hoodie's around here and we just can't bring our selves to correct the kids because it is so cute to hear them say it).

Little Miss Sassafrass

Pure joy, Go Royals!

Monday, February 13, 2012

Snow Day

We had one snowy day in February and Tom was the only parent brave enough to take his kids to .... the zoo!

At least Nikita didn't mind the snow!

Thursday, February 2, 2012

The models

Wow, didn't realize I took this one. Watch out Michael Jackson!

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Upcycle: A Robe for Lyla

When  you do one for one kid, you've got to do one for the other!

Lyla's robe was constructed with the same pattern as Steven's but I had a few modifications because there was not enough material from my choosen item for upcycling. My sister Lori gave me some old clothes to upcycle at Thanksgiving, including a Hannah Andersen adult jumper made from a jersey knit. I'd never sewn that material before so I was a little nervous but it turned out to be pretty easy. I just had to really pay attention to steadily feeding the material through the machine.

The color is this photo is off, the shirt in the back is pink.
I had a few errors on this project but in the end it turned out pretty cute. I had to improvise on the hood because there wasn't enough base fabric. I tried to get enough out of it but ended up cutting out two left sides of the hood so I had to scrap it completely and go with some old shirts. The hood turned out pretty cute and I decided to make the tie out of the shirts to make it all work together. Thanks goodness I have two bins of old clothes that are eligible for upcycling, now I just need to find my next project!