Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Memorial Visitors!

I love that my sister and her family have moved closer to us and that they don't mind our cruddy old futon and air mattress on the floor! It is also great that Kansas City has started to get more attractive tourist activities that give reason for them to come to town!

This weekend, Cousin Emily and Aunt Tracy came to town for the Diana exhibit at Union Station. The recent Royal wedding has peaked Emily's interest in all things princess! I have to admit, I got a little caught up in the fanfare, too!

We also went to Celebration at the Station - the KC Symphony concert and fireworks over the Liberty Memorial. It was quite a late night, I think the latest that our kids have ever stayed up, ever. Steven was so determined that he didn't even fall asleep during the car ride home. He even had to have a snack at 11pm before he went to sleep. His sister on the other hand conked out before we even pulled out of our parking spot and she got to sleep in her clothes!

On Monday we took the kids to see the Union Pacific steam engine No. 844. It was really big but not as fancy as I expected. Still, it was impressive to see a machine like that and we even got to meet the conductor!

Monday, May 30, 2011

Thursday, May 26, 2011

He did it!

Without hesitation this year he went on stage and belted out the songs for the spring program! It was so much fun to see! He was moving his body and pumping his arms for no apparent reason as the songs did not have motions to go along with the words. And yes, I did notice that his pants are practically up by his knees. This kid is growing up but NOT at all out. He is tall enough for 4T but can still fit in 2T around the waist. If only he got those qualities from me.

This year his class sang "Jesus Loves the Little Children" and "Raindrops". The did a great job.

If all the raindrops were lemondrops and gumdrops
oh, what a rain it would be!
Standing outside with my mouth open wide,
Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah
All the raindrops are lemondrops and gumdrops

And then there was ice cream!

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Wildlife out the window

Who says you need to live in the country to see wildlife from your window? We get it right here in the big city, urban neighborhood, too!

That is if you count little Peter Cottontail in the category of wildlife!

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

A shawl for a friend

A few weeks ago I received an email from a long-lasting (I don't like saying "old" because we aren't) friend relaying some sad news. Another friend was diagnosed with cancer and she was sharing the news. My heart hurt that day and it still does. Instead of remaining idle, I had to find a way to feel like I was with her even though she lives far away ... so I knit.

It has been awhile since I've knitted and I didn't want to be too ambitious but I wanted to send her something that would wrap her in warmth and remind her that her friends are with her. I picked a shawl. And unfortunately, the lesson I learned in completing this project is that propogation of error is not theory, its fact. I learned the scientific method, I know that you can't "unpropogate" errors but I kept knitting and knitting and knitting because I was stubborn. I thought that my initial error would just be a mirror on the decrease side. Boy was I wrong. The shape was funny, the edge looked crooked and I was quickly running out of yarn (which is long since out of stock). Finally, my sister told me I needed to pull it out and start over. I wish I'd done that so much sooner because I am so happy with the correctly knitted end product. The second time knitting was filled with much more love and that is the message I want the yarn to tell!

I'll be sending the shawl in the mail tomorrow. I hope it brings my friend comfort and let's her know that we are holding her in our arms.

Yarn Along

I get lost in the internet some days, truly lost. I read one blog, that links to another, that links to another and before you know it I am reading about the newest invention for replacing styrafoam containers using fungi - that's for real, I read it on the internet!

During a recent internet adventure I found a blog that has beautiful pictures and a to die for garden, so I read it every now and again. Ginny at Small Things hosts a Yarn Along and I've finally got a project and book to share.

My project is a knitted shawl, you can read more about it in an earlier post on my blog. I've had the Twize 100% bamboo yarn for years. I bought it before my son was born and then I had no time (or at least that was my excuse) to knit. Once I heard the news of my friend's cancer diagnosis, I knew exactly what I'd do ... knit her something to act as our arms holding her during her treatments. I got on Ravelry and found a pattern I liked and began down a path of utter disappointment. But after ripping it all out, I love it and hope my friend does, too!

My current read is Beneath the Lion's Gaze. I just checked it out from the library and have only read a page. It is a story set in Ethiopia during the 1974 revolution and the impacts it has on a family. Although it is a novel, I hope to get a taste of history while being entertained. We'll see if I finish it before the library gives me a fine!

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

You would think we were rookies!

Never leave the scissors out unattended.

Tommy was home on Monday doing yard work, cleaning up a few things around the house and giving himself a haircut. He left the clippers and hair scissors out in the bathroom because he needed me to fix a patch that he couldn't reach. I noticed the scissors in there but I didn't think anything of it because I needed to help him later. The next morning, Tommy is sitting across from Steven at breakfast and yells to me (I was in the kitchen), "did you see this?"

I went to the kitchen table, looked down at Steven and just smiled.

I distinctly remember saying to myself the night before, "what are these hairs on the counter? they are just too long to have come off Tommy's head." I never put two and two together. We sent Steven in the bathroom before bed to go potty and wash his hands, he was taking some extra time but he is a dwaddler so we just called after him to hurry. I guess that hair was his!

Note to our amateur parenting selves: put the scissors AWAY, even if you need to use them later!

By the way, breakfast can be dangerous. Wear your bike helmet at all times! Your brother could come after you with scissors and with such scarce hair, you wouldn't want to be caught unprotected!

Sunday, May 8, 2011

A wedding and A visit to Arkansas

For Mother's day weekend I got a really special treat - a weekend away with my sisters, mom, dad and my extended family the Schultes! It was Jen's wedding and it was beautiful!

Marilyn and Vern invited us to stay in their house on the shore. My sisters and I got to sleep in a room together, all on twin beds. It's been a long time since I slept in one of those! It was really great to be with everyone for such a relaxing yet important occasion. We are so excited for Dennis to join the family!

While I was off having fun in Connecticut, Tommy took the kids to visit Grandma and Papa in Arkansas. As usual, fun was had by all!