Saturday, September 29, 2012

Caterpillar fun

I have probably mentioned before that Tommy depends on being outside for at least a few minutes each day to remain sane and happy. It seems that he has passed that along to our kids so we find ourselves spending at least a few minutes at the school playground, park or our front yard each day. I wonder how the winter is going to be for us?!?

Since he has indoctrinated a love of the outdoors our kids are not afraid of creepy crawlies, dirt or any such outdoor ingredients. On this particular occasion, Steven found a tiny caterpillar and as determined to get him to crawl on his head. Why, do you ask? Well, why not?

He was thrilled to get it on his forehead until....

... the caterpillar started pooping on him. I should have just kept my mouth shut but Lyla really wanted to know what that brown stuff was. 

Thankfully, this has not tarnished their love of the outdoors because they kept on digging and searching once this caterpillar was on its way to eat leaves, become a pupa and then a butterfly!

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Diamond Club

There certainly are perks to Tommy's job at Kauffman Scholars. One of them being tickets to the Royals games periodically throughout the season. This year we got Diamond Club seats, twice. Once early in the season that we attended with some friends and then on a beautiful fall afternoon with the kids. 

It was really a good time because we were close enough to see the batters and the kids are finally to a point where they can stay engage in the game (for the most part and especially if they get their treats).

On Sunday's after the game the kids get to participate in the Fun Run. Tommy has Sunday season tickets and has taken the kids on the fun run several times this season but I hadn't got to participate yet. Check out my pregnant lady waddle around the bases, 38 weeks!

What a great way to spend a Sunday afternoon with our family!

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

September 11

Steven wanted a cremote (yes, there is a c in that word) control car for his birthday, He got one; a souped up, flip over, gripping tires totally awesome cremote control car.

Uncle John came through and was the only one to find the prized Flash costume. What a hit! Steven immediately torn it open and put it on!

Flash was a pro at driving the car.

Happy Fifth Birthday, Steven!

He's 5, can you believe it?

My little boy is growing up!

It is 12:40am, I can't sleep. Combination of pregnancy insomnia and the fact that Steven woke up crying with growing pains at about 11pm which startled me out of my early evening slumber.

I can't believe that 5 years ago we were at the hospital in the throes of labor right at this very time. It has been an awesome time over the last 5 years - can't say that I remember much about the first of those years since Steven never slept for any length of time, therefore neither did I, but the last couple have been super great. Not that the first few weren't great, I just don't remember!

In the last few weeks, it feels like he has grown about 3 inches but when I look at him in line at school with his classmates, he is still so small.

He has started to get so creative. I drew a birthday cake on a plate over the weekend and he took the idea (rectangle with half circle on the bottom) and started creating other things like hats from the same shape. His mind is turning.

He got a lego set from a friend at his birthday party. He could. not. wait. to get it together once we got home. I started to help him but needed Tommy to fill in for awhile since I could no longer sit on the floor. After Tommy didn't help him the "right" way, he came to get me to finish. Maybe he'll be an engineer afterall!

Here's to my first born, I love you, bubby!

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Happy Birthday at Power Power Play!

We splurged on the birthday party this year because I wasn't sure I could pull off the party planning at 37 weeks pregnant. I am glad we had this party because Steven had a ton of fun. He invited all the boys from his class at Border Star plus his sister and Allegra. Tyler, Trevor, Ethan, Xavier, Kaden and Kale all came to celebrate!

Eating pizza snack at 2:30 in the afternoon
I guess he doesn't want the attention during the Happy Birthday song
Blowing out FIVE candles!
Opening some great presents!
Look Grandma Pam, he went right for Skee ball when it was time to play arcade games!
The carnival-like rides were quite a hit
A favorite present so far, Spiderman!

Friday, September 7, 2012

Baby update - 37 weeks or so we think

Today was not so much fun for this momma. I got to have another 3-hour gestational diabetes test and another size > date sonogram. Our midwife is being extra cautious about our pregnancy since we are going to a freestanding birth center and she doesn't want anything to cause us to be transferred to a hospital during labor. I am happy that she is making sure to dot her i's and cross her t's (since our last one couldn't even read a 4 vs a 14) but redoing all these tests is. not. fun.

The lab nurse who had to take my blood over and over today must have apologized 40 times. She missed my vein once and my whole arms aches. She had to repoke me one other time because no blood was flowing out. It was almost comical. It is cruel to make a 37 week pregnant woman fast and then get poked so much. I hope I pass the test!

The sonographer was really great. She explained a lot and kept showing us our baby's fat rolls. We also got to see the hair sticking off his head and the shot below is of his lips, nose and chubby cheeks. The predicted weight is 8lbs 4 oz (+/- 1), getting bigger everyday. The measurements translated to a 38 week 6 days baby, almost 3 weeks farther along than we are calculating. 

He doesn't act like he is coming early but one can only hope!