Saturday, April 16, 2011

But that's upside down

I've always wondered why Yoplait yogurt containers were made the way they are. The reverse cone shape is very frustrating when you want to dig out that last bit of yogurt. Or when your two year old insists on doing it herself and gets her spoon caught up on the lip of the container resulting in sour smelling shirt all day long.

Then during our roadtrip, Steven says to me: "mommy, but I want it this way."

He's brilliant, I tell you! He intuitively knew that the container was designed incorrectly. Do I have a budding industrial engineer on my hands (oh, I hope so!)? Seems to me that if a 3.5 year old questions your product design, you should be thinking about doing something new.

And the best part about the container design is the message stamped in red under the UPC code:

"Protect Wildlife Crush Before Disposal"

Just google it, you'll get a good laugh or two.

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