Sunday, September 22, 2013

Royals Closing Weekend

This year's baseball season has been a good one, for both the Kansas City Royals and the Clark family.  Steven and Lyla have enjoyed their trips to Kauffman Stadium, so much so that they have been upset when the Royals are out of town over the weekend.  The last homestand was a particularly busy time with back to back games Saturday night and Sunday morning.  

The Saturday night game was a typical Royals game, good pitching with a snoozing offense.  Unlike the Royals hitters Steven had a very exciting night when he pulled out a front tooth during the middle of an inning.  Bloody mouth and all Steven set through the rest of the game with a smile on his face and a tooth in his hand.  The Royals lost 3-1.

Sunday's game was a bit more exciting for both the Royals and the Clarks.  Steven's friend Fletcher and his family attended the game; the two were quite the pair and watched the game like old pros.

Asa also enjoyed himself at the game.  Although he did not find the action on the field particularly interesting, the floor of the upper deck concourse and access ramps were very entertaining.

Our daughter is a force of nature and sometimes all you can do is shake your head at what she says.  Earlier this summer she announced that when she has a baby girl her name will be Cutie Cat and that her baby boy's name will be Eric Hosmer.  That's right, the Royals first baseman.  What makes it a bit troubling is that Eric Hosmer is both the baby and the daddy according to Lyla.  To top the season off on the next to last game of the season she found an Eric Hosmer doll at the team store, so now Eric Hosmer (both names must always be used) can be with her at all times.

Game note, the Royals won Sunday's game on a 2-out grand slam in the 10th inning; nothing too exciting.

Sunday, September 1, 2013

Labor Day Camping

Camping has become a big event for our family, even if we haven't been able to go as much as we'd like this summer.  Our Labor Day excursion to Longview Lake with the Van Doren's was a big time for kids with goggle napping, campfires, and piling onto Mom's side of the camper.  Hopefully we'll be able to go again before it get's too cold, maybe minus the goggles.

Monday, August 12, 2013

Working Man

Between school, camp, and time at the Homestead, Steven has had a busy summer, but that doesn't mean he hasn't had time for work.  Over the last couple of weeks Steven has spent quite a bit of time at each or our offices and he's become very comfortable.  
During a staff meeting at Tommy's office he even felt comfortable enough to let Tommy's boss know that it was time to go to lunch when she asked if everyone wanted to adjourn for lunch or stay for an additional 30 minutes to finish the meeting.  No one spoke up, Steven decided it was time for lunch, and lunch it was.  Good work buddy.  

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

We'll do anything for fireworks

Our 4th of July fireworks this year took place on dreary July 3rd at the Royals game.  We were worried that the game might be delayed or fireworks canceled, but all sounded well on the pregame broadcast so we headed to the stadium.  Things did not go to plan.  We arrived at the stadium in time to hear over the radio that the game would be delayed, possibly an hour. After an hour of family time in the car, we headed in to find . . . 
 the tarp still on the field.  An hour after that, the game finally started shortly after 9 PM
 Needless to say we thought we'd be waking the kids up when it was time for the fireworks, but Lyla had other plans.  Although Asa and Steven each got in a nap, Lyla Jean watched the game in its entirety.  At 1230 when the fireworks started she was ready to go; glad to see her staying power put to good use.    

Monday, May 6, 2013

Asa at 7 Months

You are starting to change ... and I don't like it. You are looking much older. I can tell that you are more aware of what your siblings are doing, you watch them intently. You voice your displeasure and excitement so much more readily now. I just know that you'll be on the move soon!

This month we brought the Command Center back up from the basement storage. Most families call these bouncers or activity centers. Ours, however, is where the baby is in Command! I think Steven and Lyla liked it more at first than you did but you are figuring out the toys and are getting good at spinning yourself around. 

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Asa's Protector

Kira is a good dog. She has dropped several rungs down on the ladder over the last few years but she is still our puppy girl. And she had definitely taken on the role of Asa's protector. I think she is much happier to have a little one around her than the older hoodlums that she has to deal with running at her and bouncing balls around her. Surprisingly, Asa's hair pulling seems much more tolerable to her.

Tommy recently had to make a Pecha Kucha presentation for work and he decided to make Kira the focal point of his presentation. He made a slideshow of photos of her over time and set it to the J.B. Jovi song/poem "I'll be there for you." I just rolled my eyes at Tommy when he told me he was doing it, I didn't really think too hard about it. Tommy thought it was funny. 

The women he worked with had visible tears rolling down their cheeks at the end of his recitation. They all thought it was a tribute to Tommy's dead dog. 

Kira is very much alive and kickin', loving on her newest puppy!

Art by Steven and Lyla

And only a few short days later ... snow on the ground!

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Our Tree, one year later

April 14, 2013
April 14, 2012

Birthday Gymnastics

A new gymnastics club opened in our 'hood a few months ago. What a fun party for Lyla! She was the star of the show and loved all of the activities that they did during the party. They balanced on the beam, swung on the bar, hopped on Roddy, ate cake and opened presents. It was such a fun afternoon and so fun to see her with all her friends. 

Friends we celebrated with included: Aria Kahm, Rachel Abadie, Jane Bunck, Grace Sellars, Maria Carson and Isabel.

Lyla is Four!

She's four. Four. Four!

This little girl is one of a kind. She is strong-willed, emotional and downright silly! And I can't imagine her any other way! For as dramatic as she is, there are moments where she can still be very shy and want to give all the attention to someone else. I am constantly amazed at how articulate she is and she reports that she is doing "big" work at school, I know she is excelling beyond her age.  

We had our family birthday celebration in the morning. She got to make breakfast with me - pancakes! and then we got dressed and opened presents. She was thrilled with her scooter and wanted to ride it right then and there in the house. She also got a gymnastics leotard to wear to her party later that day. She wanted it on IMMEDIATELY and didn't take it off the rest of the day. Let me tell you, leotards these days ... I am starting to become a prudish, old woman!


Monday, April 8, 2013

Home Opener

One of Daddy's favorite days of the year: The Royals Home Opener. Asa celebrated with Tommy in his Royals gear. He is excited to make it to his first game of the season in a few weeks!

Saturday, April 6, 2013

Asa at 6 Months

Solid Food! You got to try some smashed peas this month! Slowly but surely you started to like them. Your daycare teachers are total food pushers. They can't wait to know the next kind of food that you are allowed to eat. I keep telling them that we are going to do this slowly, I guess they don't believe me yet!

You also have learned how to sit. You still throw yourself backwards on occasion but we try to protect you with a pillow or sleep toy (that is what your bro and sis call stuffed animals). 

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Smashed Peas!

I am really committed to breastfeeding my kids until we mutually decide that we don't want to do it anymore. It has been one of the best ways for me to feel like I am still "with" my babies during the day, even though they are at daycare. It has always been a little bittersweet for me when we first give the kids solid foods. Even though they are still breastfeeding it is a sign that sooner or later they are going to need me less and less. 

But it sure is fun watching their facial expressions and seeing their messy chins after trying their first foods. Asa's first was peas, by the look on his face I am not sure there was much enjoyment on his end either!

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Asa at 5 Months

You've moved to your new daycare and had a rough start there. You did NOT want to nap and it made for a cranky boy some nights!

The weather this month has been so strange. You've got to go to play outside on a wonderfully sunny day and then days later feel the cold snow on your nose. This spring has been so unpredictable.

Just a few days before you turned five months old you started to roll over. It took you a little longer to figure it out than your brother and sister but we blame that on the fact that we never put you down! We miss you so much during the day that we carry you and hold you any time we can!

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Asa at 4 Months

This past month you stayed home with daddy for his paternity leave. So much was going on, though, that you didn't really get to truly enjoy your time with him. It's going to be tough being the third kid!

You also started daycare at the end of the month. It was a rough start but we are in the groove. However, now we are considering moving to a new daycare. Ugh. 

You've also caught your first snotty nose virus but we got a NoseFrida to suck all those yuckies out! No fever or other symptoms, so hopefully we've avoided the worse.

You are still just so happy on your diaper changing table. Why do you love it so much?

Crying is hardly heard from your lips (at home at least, your daycare teachers say that you can belt it out if you're friends get too much attention).

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Happy Birthday to me!

My son got a visit to Urgent Care for his second set of stitches under his chin for my birthday! So kind and generous of the playground blacktop!

Saturday, January 26, 2013

A day at the zoo

Sometimes its hard to believe the calendar in Kansas City when we can take off for the zoo with only a light jacket at the end of January.

Monday, January 14, 2013

Is he nuts or what?

This photo about sums it up.Tommy on the Mall in Washington DC in January - one kid in the stroller seat, one kid on the stroller stand, and one kid on his shoulders.

I love this man. He makes me shake my head in wonder most days and proves to me that he can roll with the punches better than most anyone. 

I decided that I would take them all with me to Washington DC since Tommy was on paternity leave with Asa and this would likely be the last chance for free lodging at the conference that I attend each year. I was really worried about having Asa along since he was so little but Tommy wasn't going to let that stop him from showing the kids the sights. 

Just before we got on the plane I was texting with a friend. She texted me that her husband would fake his death before doing a trip like this with three kids. I think that goes to show that Tommy probably is a little nuts but he's mine and I love him the way he is.

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Asa at 3 Months

You're losing your cheeks! Or maybe I should say, your body is catching up with your cheeks.

This month you've discovered your hands and you've been putting them in your mouth all the time. You also grab my hair and hold on TIGHT whenever I am carrying you around. Daddy says you pull his chest hair, too. He doesn't like that. 

You celebrated your first Christmas this month. You got clothes, a Sophie Giraffe, a silver rattle and lots of other fun toys. You've started to grab at your wooden circle rattle and you can hold it for a few seconds. 

At Dave and Tracy's house after Christmas, you had your very first belly laugh. We haven't been lucky enough to duplicate it but we're hoping to hear more soon.