Saturday, December 31, 2011

Why do we spend money?

I had an irrational moment in December. Just one.

I follow all kinds of coupon and mommy blogs on Facebook and one of them alerted me to a fantastic sale on stainless steel cookware at Kohl's one weekend. I just had to have them, my Christmas present to myself. I justified it by saying that the Teflon and unknown coating on half our pots and pans was chipping off and it would be so much safer for our family to have this cookware. Plus, I got Kohl's cash so we could turn around and get Steven some much needed cozy (sweat) pants since his were turning into high waders.

So, the box came before Christmas and I just left it under the tree unopened. It was a reminder to myself during the remainder of the holiday season, to not allow myself to succumb to my hormones. 

When we came back from Arkansas I got them out, washed them and was utterly dumbfounded that they were packed in three boxes. An exterior shipping box, another box with the fancy Wolfgang Puck logo stamped all over it and finally and interior box holding all the pots and pans. 

A little excessive, I think. Until the children got a hold of them!

I guess the moral of the story is, let your hormones go crazy shopping because it will give your children something to do for an entire afternoon!

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