Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Snow day craft

I get all kinds of random magazines that I don't subscribe to. I really wonder somedays how they get my information but then I notice my name spelled with an "h" at the end or Clarke (with an "e") and realize that it probably came from some strange internet things that I signed up for using a "fake" name. The particular magazine that I got in February was Disney Family. I can see why no one would want to pay for a subscription to this magazine because it is full of advertisements and hardly any content. However, there was a Valentine's art project that I found in there using corn starch glue that we just had to try.

I have never made corn starch glue before and I thought it would be really great to try with the kids. I pulled out all the ingredients, fired up the stove and started stirring. Well, it never really got translucent like the instructions said. It ended up just being a globby mess. But Steven and Lyla liked it nonetheless.

The project used a heart shaped cookie cutter (cardboard shaped like a heart in our case) as a form to place yarn covered in glue inside. Again, our glue was really not the right consistency and we ended up with big clumps of cornstarch. Our finished hearts were ok, probably not something to display in a museum and we won't be mailing them to the grandparents as originally planned. They are a little too fragile for the USPS.

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