It has been a dark winter and February was a long month. The last ten days have been no fun. It started with me which never happens, I am always last. I had the aches and soreness Thursday night. Chills and fever on Friday. All of the above on Saturday. I finally started to feel like a semi-normal human on Sunday. Then it struck the rest of the family. Steven and Lyla are now official statistics for the Kansas Department of Health and Environment. They got the flu test and were positive. Tommy and I can just say unofficially that we've had this year's virus.
Tommy was home with the kids almost all week. He logged about 2 hours at work on Thursday (before they closed their office for our latest round of snowy weather) and about 4 hours on Friday. I was home on and off nursing the three of them as best as I could. The fever has been ridiculous. It just won't go away even with medicine. Now we are on to snotty noses, coughs and general ornery-ness. Being quaratined in a 900 sf house for a week is no fun.
We are on the mend and hopefully March will come in like a lamb. We need a break.