Friday, December 7, 2012

Asa at 2 Months

Topping off at 15lbs 7oz at your 2 month well child check, you are keeping up the chubby!

Lyla loves to call you "buddy boy." She says it really fast and sharp, like she is trying to swindle you.

You are still a great sleeper. You sleep for a five hour stretch, eat, go back to sleep fir about three more hours and then eat again. Some mornings you can't be convinced to go back to sleep so your dad takes you to the living room to hang out before he gets ready for work.

Your absolute favorite place is laying on the orange towel on your changing table, we've coined it the Happy Spot. You coo and smile every time, well most times, we take you for a diaper change.

1 comment:

  1. He weighs almost as much as Emerson at 10 months :)
