It actually all started the week before you were born.
My last day at work was my due date, September 28, 2012. I had told everyone my due date was October 1 because I didn't want September to get stuck in their heads and if you came late annoy me with timing questions. I was sure that you were going to be born that weekend because I was free and clear with no obligations distracting my mind from my baby.
Well, you had other plans. The weekend came and went.
I was desperate to try anything to get you to come - I ate pineapple, eggplant, spicy food. I got stuck with needles by an acupuncturist on Tuesday. I went on long walks, including taking your older brother and sister on a marathon walk to school on International Walk to School Day on Wednesday (poor kids just were dragging). You were going to come on your own schedule no matter what I wanted to happen.
Thursday was our last scheduled prenatal appointment, one day shy of 41 weeks. Everything checked out fine, I was feeling good and you obviously were happy to remain where you were. We scheduled a biophysical profile and non-stress test (NST) for the next day just to make sure everything was good.
On Friday I went to the ultrasound appointment by myself. Daddy was trying to get his project at work wrapped up and finalized because we were determined that you were going to be born over the weekend. You scored 8 out 8, predicted weight at 9lbs 5oz and water level was in the high teens. Then I was back at the birth center for the NST where daddy met me to keep me company. Your heartbeat was low during the entire test but consistent and I was having regular but easy contractions - what a great sign! After the test, Whitney (one of the midwives) checked me and I was 3-4 cm.
Since nothing was really happening, we decided to go to Korma Sutra for lunch. We love the man that runs the show there. He is always passing out extra samples and little cubes of ice cream. He's a riot. He asked when the baby was coming and I said - well, maybe today. His eyes got big and he proceeded to make a dollar bill wish for you, baby boy!
During lunch I was feeling a little funny, contractions seemed to be coming more often and I was a little woozy at one point. We decided to take my car to the Culinary Center where Maria works, so her or Ana could pick it up and get Steven and Lyla, if necessary. We then headed back to the birth center where everything fizzled out. False Alarm.
Whitney tried to convince us that I should take some castor oil. I was very apprehensive after reading about it on the internet the night before. She told me to take a small dose just to see what would happen. Off to CVS we went and I downed a small dose with Mango Lassi as a chaser!
Tommy went to get Steven and Lyla and I just hung out at home. Lideana had heard that my cousin Jen got a pedicure before Emerson was born so she convinced me to go with her to get one. At about 6:00pm Friday we went to Oak Nails and I got bright green toes and a great calf massage! Little did we know that was the trick, I wish we'd gone earlier in the week!
Steven and Lyla wearing the flip flops from Oak Nails |