Tuesday, September 11, 2012

He's 5, can you believe it?

My little boy is growing up!

It is 12:40am, I can't sleep. Combination of pregnancy insomnia and the fact that Steven woke up crying with growing pains at about 11pm which startled me out of my early evening slumber.

I can't believe that 5 years ago we were at the hospital in the throes of labor right at this very time. It has been an awesome time over the last 5 years - can't say that I remember much about the first of those years since Steven never slept for any length of time, therefore neither did I, but the last couple have been super great. Not that the first few weren't great, I just don't remember!

In the last few weeks, it feels like he has grown about 3 inches but when I look at him in line at school with his classmates, he is still so small.

He has started to get so creative. I drew a birthday cake on a plate over the weekend and he took the idea (rectangle with half circle on the bottom) and started creating other things like hats from the same shape. His mind is turning.

He got a lego set from a friend at his birthday party. He could. not. wait. to get it together once we got home. I started to help him but needed Tommy to fill in for awhile since I could no longer sit on the floor. After Tommy didn't help him the "right" way, he came to get me to finish. Maybe he'll be an engineer afterall!

Here's to my first born, I love you, bubby!

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