I am not sure we were quite as successful with Lyla's paci party as we were with
Steven's party. Lyla is a very hard-headed toddler. She knew right where we kept her pacis and wouldn't let us even think of forgetting to give it to her every night. She wasn't quite as bad about crying during the night when she lost it as Steven was, but still, Tommy and I were ready for it to go.
We decided to take the same approach for Lyla's party - psych her up, decorate the trash can, sing and dance, then toss them away. After the tossing we let her open her paci party present. She got a baby highchair and was super excited to put her baby in the chair and start feeding her.

She wasn't excited at all when it was bedtime, though. Lots of screaming ensued and the nights following were no better. At one point I was ready to dig them out of the garbage and give in to her but Tommy made me hold strong.
All-in-all it was a good decision and now whenever we get the highchair out to feed her babies she mentions that she got it from her paci party. I wonder when she'll stop talking about it!
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