Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Surprise Visit

My mom and dad have been on the most amazing summer vacation. They left Arizona in May to see us and then go to Minnesota for my nephew Matt's high school graduation. Then onto North Carolina for some beach time by themselves and then with our family. After that they headed north to Washington, DC. I thought this was their turnaround point but I got an email from dad a few days later and they were at Cape Cod, Gloucester (or however you spell it) and THEN Maine! Whoa. The freedom that retirement provides and the convenience of a house on wheels must be really fun.

Monday night mom called and said they were leaving Iowa and going to stop in Kansas City the next day to visit us. Wow. We had no idea were even on their way back let alone a few hours away.

So, I met them at the house in the afternoon and Dad went with me to pick up the kids. Steven was so excited to see the "surprise" in the car after I picked him up from pre-school. He was really happy to have Papa Gene to play with that night. And Lyla was loving the visitors, too. And even Tommy was surprised to see them. He completely ignored that I told him they were visiting the night before. So, when I called to tell him to pick up the order from China Toms he was quite confused.

What a fun evening!

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