I have become an avid reader of other "mommy" blogs. So much so that might hit my "quota" time on personal and networking sites at work. Don't tell the boss!
One of my favorite blogs right now is
Another Lunch. We have been fighting with Steven at dinner time so I was looking for creative ways to get good, fun food in front of him. Also, things that are quick and easy. Our schedule in the evening is going to be hectic again as Daddy starts his school year hours in a week or so. That leaves mommy to making, serving and eating dinner solo.
So, I picked up a few of the suggested tools of the lunch (dinner, in our case) trade. I have a sandwich punch in the shape of choo choo trains (really is there anything better for Steven?) and some silcone muffin cups. I don't have any Bento boxes but for now tupperware is making the cut. Our first Bento box adventure wasn't too creative but I am easing into it. I can say, however, that Steven ate ever morsel. Maybe we can make eating progress with a little creativity.

By the way, Dad, do you remember talking non-stop about Bento when you visited Grandma in Portland? Didn't Cousin Jen introduce you to this phenomenon? I bet those Bento boxes were a bit more authentic but it I find it funny how things come around in your life!