Saturday, November 7, 2009

Totally 80s

We're going back in time! Lyla is wearing Leg Warmers! Thanks to Lori and Eleanor, Lyla's little legs stayed warm today in her pink polka dot leg warmers. Who would have ever thought those would be back in style. But I guess everything looks cute on a baby!

You can also see her two little teeth in this picture. I think she is working on her uppers but they haven't poked through quite yet.

On Friday we took her in for her six month appointment. A few weeks late but with all the sickness we postponed it for awhile. She now weighs 17 lbs 2.5 oz and she is 28 inches long. She is in the 65%ile for weight and 95%ile for height. She has dropped percentiles in weight - she started around 90%ile - but Steven did the same thing about this time. Doc doesn't seem to think there is anything to worry about because she is hitting all her milestones and generally a super happy girl.

1 comment:

  1. Its kinda funny - our girls are not only close in age, but also in height and weight! Cute kiddos - love seeing the pics and reading about them!
