This year we were supposed to go to the Clark Homestead for Thanksgiving but the virus keep us away. All of us at some point during the week, except Asa, were down with the ick. We planned to go to Arkansas on Wednesday, postponed to Thursday, hoped for Friday and then just called it quits and decided to stay home.
We had made a special Thanksgiving handprint art piece for Grandma and Papa. We sent them a picture mail of it since they didn't get to see it in person.
Tommy braved the crowds and ran to Price Chopper to buy us a Thanksgiving meal. He got a rotisserie chicken to act like our turkey, stuffing, green beans for casserole, cranberries (fresh and jelly in a can), and some rolls. He also got a smoked turkey leg - it was so tough, no one touched it.
We had spent the weekend before Thanksgiving making salt dough ornaments for a thankful tree that we were going to put up on Thanksgiving with everyone. Each ornament had the first letter of everyone's name that was going to be there for dinner. We ended up putting it up at our house. I asked Tommy to go out and get us some sticks and brought back a huge branch from the tree in our backyard (you can see some of it on the table). He didn't quite understand what we were going for at first.
Finally, I know someone who has Thanksgiving down right. After dinner, Asa snuggled in for the traditional afternoon snooze. He's just so smart!