I almost don't want to post the following picture. We are officially 32 weeks and a few days and I am looking like the baby could come any day. People are always asking me - how much longer? I never really had stranger annoyances with my other pregnancies but I am sure getting them this time around.
Even our midwife declared that I am big, so much bigger than our date (she measured 36 centimeters which should mean 36 weeks - 4 weeks beyond where we really are) that she ordered us to get another sonogram to check on the baby's size. We got it done this afternoon and the preliminary results say the baby is 6lbs 6oz (+/- 1 lb) which is about 2lbs greater than the average baby. We grow them big in the Clark family!
We won't get the official information until tomorrow or Friday but we're hopeful that his size and fluid levels are in an okay range so that we don't have to change any plans!
Baby Boy Clark's Profile |
Update: Baby boy Clark is big. Sono results showed that his heart is fine, brain looks good, kidneys and stomach have fluid in them and his size is above average. Our midwife wants to consult with the obstetrician and may recommend a hospital birth in case delivery complications arise but I am hopeful that we can continue on our current path. I did it with Lyla so I think we can do it again!