Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Don't eat him!
It was so warm today! It was actually above 60 degrees and warm enough that the kids only needed to wear their lightweight jackets on their trip with daddy to the zoo. It seemed like a very long time since we visited the zoo but the animals remembered the kids. The deer missed Steven so much that they wanted to take a bite out of him!
Sunday, December 26, 2010
Saturday, December 25, 2010
Merry Christmas!
Santa was good to us this year!
Our only hang up on Christmas Day was trying to find an urgent care and pharmacy that was open for the holiday. Sickness struck again! Lyla was coughing and miserable but she wouldn't let that stop her from having fun so she was also letting herself get overtired. We finally decided that she needed to get checked out but the urgent care that said they were open from noon to two, lied. We decided to page our doctor on call and he was very helpful. We got her a prescription and we could see the difference by the next morning. Merry Christmas, Dr. Talbert!
Our only hang up on Christmas Day was trying to find an urgent care and pharmacy that was open for the holiday. Sickness struck again! Lyla was coughing and miserable but she wouldn't let that stop her from having fun so she was also letting herself get overtired. We finally decided that she needed to get checked out but the urgent care that said they were open from noon to two, lied. We decided to page our doctor on call and he was very helpful. We got her a prescription and we could see the difference by the next morning. Merry Christmas, Dr. Talbert!
Friday, December 24, 2010
Christmas with the Leitner Clan
We arrived at their house on Thursday night and settled in to the guest bedroom and sitting room for the kids. The space at their house was never-ending, there was actually room to move and places to put everyone! Someday we'll have a house that better accomodates guests!
Christmas Eve was fun, lots of playing with the cousins and eating of good food! In the afternoon we went to church in Ames. Tommy decided to come along with Lyla even though we knew she would be a handful - and she was. She is just not ready to sit still. So, Tommy took her to the narthex after the first song and I guess she threw a fit. It wouldn't have been that bad but they had overflow seating out there and those people weren't interested in her show. So Tommy decided to put her in the car, drive around and look at Christmas lights. Meanwhile, I was in the church with Steven where he sat still for awhile but then started to get antsy. I have a dry erase board in my purse for him to play with and he was thrilled when I pulled it out, until he somehow dropped the eraser cap and couldn't find it. He got on the floor and looked for it and I searched in my purse and under Papa Gene's coat. Then Papa Gene let Steven have his handkercheif to wipe the marker. Finally, the lady sitting behind us found it in her purse! A Christmas miracle!
Back at the Borts, we ate dinner (stuffed shells, yummy!) and gathered for gift opening. It was a lot of fun. The kids tore into their presents! Lyla and Steven got so many fun gifts from their cousins and grandparents. We were afraid all the presents wouldn't fit in the car on the way home! 

Emily then entertained us with a reading of 'Twas the Night Before Christmas.
After stories, the kids got ready for bed and Steven put out a cookie for Santa and a carrot for Rudolph. I don't think he understood what I was talking about but maybe he'll get it next year!
We woke up Christmas morning to find that Santa knew that we were in Iowa this year. Our stockings were full and presents were under the tree!
Sunday, December 19, 2010
Moments that make it all worth it!
Last week with Steven was pretty tough. There was something wrong with him but we couldn't figure it out. He would wake up at night screaming at the top of his lungs. He did it Wednesday night and I brought him to our bed and he slept the rest of the night. Thursday night was another matter. For nearly four hours we were dealing with his screaming and crying, eventually he must have just tired himself out and fallen asleep. We were Zombies on Friday.
But, there was a moment at the Clark Christmas that made all of that melt away and bring a sparkle to Tommy and my eyes.
After Steven told Santa that he wanted superheroes for Christmas, Tommy was on a mission. He searched high and low for the perfect superhero figure for Steven. Toys-r-us, Target, Amazon, and then finally he struck gold on Ebay. Superman in all his glory, every joint possible was moveable and he had a molded plastic cape. What could get better than that, you ask? Well, the PJs Tommy found at Target a few days before we left. He found a set of Superman AND Batman PJs (on sale, nonetheless)!
We were so hopeful that Steven would be excited about these gifts, we really needed a pick-me-up after a couple of trying nights as parents. We felt terrible because we could not figure out what was wrong with him and he would not be comforted no matter what we tried. So gift opening came on Saturday and ...
Steven ripped open the box of PJs, sucked in his breath and RAN over to Tommy practically throwing his sister and cousin out of his way so that he could strip down and get on his new Superman PJs right there and then. It was the best moment, just what we wanted!
To be rewarded as a parent is to see your children at their happiest. We got a big reward on Saturday and that moment will be sealed in my heart for a long time.
Saturday, December 18, 2010
Clark Family Christmas
This weekend we celebrated Christmas with the Clark family at Heather and Charley's in Pea Ridge. It was touch and go for awhile because Ava had the croup earlier in the week and hours before we left Kansas City Steven's teacher called to tell us he had a fever. As I was driving him home from school, I was talking to Tommy on the phone about our options. Steven knew exactly what we were talking about and chimed in with "I am feeling better, mommy. I am not sick anymore." Little rascal. I wonder sometimes if they can manipulate their little bodies so that they can torment their parents!
We decided to take a risk and drive down Friday night and everything ended up fine. They both have colds now, and I hope we didn't infect everyone, but it was a great weekend and worth the risk!
On Saturday morning, the kids woke up and could hardly wait to dive into the pile of presents under the tree. We could have lost one of them under that mountain!
They waited so patiently for the signal to go and then they let loose - wrapping paper was flying everywhere!
We decided to take a risk and drive down Friday night and everything ended up fine. They both have colds now, and I hope we didn't infect everyone, but it was a great weekend and worth the risk!
On Saturday morning, the kids woke up and could hardly wait to dive into the pile of presents under the tree. We could have lost one of them under that mountain!
They waited so patiently for the signal to go and then they let loose - wrapping paper was flying everywhere!
Steven got a Coon Skin hat, Dinosaur Train, puzzles, matchbox cars, farm set (with longhorns), a drill tool set (with goggles), Skippyjon Jones books. Lyla got finger puppet books, a baby doll bed, a doll stroller, a sit-n-spin, Christmas books...oh, I am forgetting something I am sure! We are so lucky to have such a wonderful family to share with during the holidays.
And Aunt Heather sure does cook a mean Christmas dinner!
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
This afternoon I was so excited to get the kids home, eat dinner and do some holiday crafts. I found some things in my office to rework for holiday gifts with the kids and I was so excited.
Then we got home.
Lyla was cranky and Steven was cantankerous. I decided to make quick burritos (some beans and cheese on a tortilla) for dinner so that we could east fast and get to crafting. Lyla loved the beans but Steven wouldn't touch anything. He ate about five bites of his tortilla and told me he was done. Lately we've been back to the picky eater so I told him he had to eat a small pile of beans before we could do our project. He threw a fit and got sent to his bed.
This cycle continued for about an hour. Eat your beans. No, I want to color. Go to your bed. Eat your beans. No. Go to your bed. You pick the order but just imagine a broken record repeating this sequence over and over.
About 10 minutes in I decided that I wasn't going to back down and slowly other privileges would be taken away. After all, I am the boss, right? I never know if it matters but I want Steven (and Lyla) to have boundaries and know that I am not going to bend to their every whim.
I was sad that I only got to do a little of my project with Lyla and maybe tomorrow I won't set my expectations so high.
Oh, and to top the night off, Lyla puked down my v-neck (dry clean only) sweater as I was rocking her to sleep. Definitely not what I expected tonight.
Then we got home.
Lyla was cranky and Steven was cantankerous. I decided to make quick burritos (some beans and cheese on a tortilla) for dinner so that we could east fast and get to crafting. Lyla loved the beans but Steven wouldn't touch anything. He ate about five bites of his tortilla and told me he was done. Lately we've been back to the picky eater so I told him he had to eat a small pile of beans before we could do our project. He threw a fit and got sent to his bed.
This cycle continued for about an hour. Eat your beans. No, I want to color. Go to your bed. Eat your beans. No. Go to your bed. You pick the order but just imagine a broken record repeating this sequence over and over.
About 10 minutes in I decided that I wasn't going to back down and slowly other privileges would be taken away. After all, I am the boss, right? I never know if it matters but I want Steven (and Lyla) to have boundaries and know that I am not going to bend to their every whim.
I was sad that I only got to do a little of my project with Lyla and maybe tomorrow I won't set my expectations so high.
Oh, and to top the night off, Lyla puked down my v-neck (dry clean only) sweater as I was rocking her to sleep. Definitely not what I expected tonight.
Sunday, December 12, 2010
Our Christmas Tree
We fully intended to make this afternoon all about Christmas decorating and then the day got in the way. It wasn't until about 5:00 that we realized how late it had become and that we better get moving or we wouldn't be getting our Christmas tree this year!
So we piled in the car, on this oh so frigid night, and drove to the kid's school parking lot. Since this is our second year in a row buying our tree at this lot, I guess it is our new family tradition! We had a really fun time walking through the snow to find a tree just the right size for our little house and then waiting for the Boy Scout, his mom and Tommy to devise the best way to tie it to the roof of the Subaru.
We ended up stopping halfway home to tuck the blanket back up on the roof again this year. I tried to be artsy and take a photo of Tommy's reflection in the side view mirror - this is all I got.
Once we got home the kids had a great time putting the lights and ornaments on the tree. Lyla actually had more fun pulling the ornaments off the tree so the tree is quite top heavy this year. It is so fun watching our kids get so much joy out of the holiday traditions we are forming with them.
Thursday, December 9, 2010
Preschool Christmas Program
Steven's first Christmas program was tonight at the "Big School." His preschool is associated with a Catholic grade school so the school is always referred to as big. Tonight, I think, the bigness overwhelmed Steven. He actually stayed with his class for this program, unlike last spring, but he was not so willing to participate like when we would practice in the car.

Steven (Dasher) with his friends Brendan (Shephard #2) and Siobhan (Angel)
His class sang Feliz Navidad, Away in the Manger and Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer. I think Steven's favorite is Rudolph - it sure is Lyla's favorite because when we got home and ate some of his candy cane she kept repeating Rudolph, Rudolph, Rudolph.
He is not quite out of his shell but he is making some progress! I guess I shouldn't be too worried, he is only 3!
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Tonight at Bedtime
Steven wanted to read If you Take a Mouse to the Movies before bed tonight. There is a line in the book where the mouse wants to listen to Christmas Carols and the boy turns on the radio.
Steven asked me "what is a radio"?
I said "it is like daddy's IPod."
Steven replied, "ohhhh."
Steven asked me "what is a radio"?
I said "it is like daddy's IPod."
Steven replied, "ohhhh."
Sunday, December 5, 2010
Second Sunday of Advent
This morning Steven and I carried the Advent candles up at mass. I was a little nervous but he did great!
We arrived at mass and Margaret our Parish administrator was waiting to let Steven practice with the candle. He walked with it across the back of the church all by himself so we thought he'd do fine carrying it up the aisle. So we waited for the opening hymn and got in line in front of Fr. Glenn. He gingerly walked up the aisle and stood in front of the wreath. Fr. Glenn said the opening prayer and began the advent candle blessing ... then poof ... Steven blew out his candle!
We might be waiting for Jesus' birthday but, Steven, those weren't birthday candles!
We arrived at mass and Margaret our Parish administrator was waiting to let Steven practice with the candle. He walked with it across the back of the church all by himself so we thought he'd do fine carrying it up the aisle. So we waited for the opening hymn and got in line in front of Fr. Glenn. He gingerly walked up the aisle and stood in front of the wreath. Fr. Glenn said the opening prayer and began the advent candle blessing ... then poof ... Steven blew out his candle!
We might be waiting for Jesus' birthday but, Steven, those weren't birthday candles!
Saturday, December 4, 2010
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
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