Let me start by saying I love my kids! But I really hate their germs.
Last week I think a truck ran us over three or four times and we are still recovering! You can read about the start of it in my last post. It continues with Tommy staying home with Steven on Tuesday as he was getting over being contagious. We thought we were in the clear until Wednesday afternoon when I picked up the kids at school and Lyla had weepy eyes. Off to urgent care. She had conjunctivitis and they gave us eye cream to help her. Who thought that eye cream for a baby was a good idea? Trying to pry her little eyelids open while pinning her flapping arms down is not an easy task.
So I kept her home on Thursday because she was contagious and by the end of the day I was feeling down. Tommy came home and I told him to be prepared to stay home with me and Lyla on Friday and he did.
Friday Tommy helped me with Lyla and packed for the Clark Boys Work Weekend in Arkansas. Tommy and Steven had planned to go down there to help replace the roof on the house since August. They left around 3pm while Lyla and I hunkered down for the weekend.
Saturday I was feeling a little better and a little stir crazy so I showered and decided to venture out to get the kids some winter clothes. It has suddenly turned very cold and we really weren't prepared. So I went to Baby Depot and a consignment shop to get some things. By the time I got home I was wiped out. My throat hurt, my ears were stinging and I kept sweating then getting the chills then sweating then chill.....
By the morning I was miserable and decided to go to the Doc in the Box at Walgreens. The nurse there was really good and since I got there immediately at 10am when they opened I was first in line. She did a rapid strep, ear check, etc and it turns out I have a double outer ear infection, pharyngitis (not definitively strep but she thinks if we did a culture there would be no question) and conjuctivitis. The pharmacy wasn't as good as the nurse and I had to wait about an hour for them to get three prescriptions - I did get to roll my eyes at an irate woman who didn't get her flu shot but an hour sitting in the pharmacy with a fussy baby and spinning head was miserable.
So I am now home for the day by myself and will hopefully have 6-7 hours of rest and recovery! I love my kids but those darn germs are on my list!